Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Our real discoveries come from chaos.

I continue to analyze my thinking during the past.  I don't want to be in this place again.   I'm reflecting on why I failed.   I know that it wasn't the situation.  I was set up for greatness.   And I got in the way.   But I need to continue to figure out why.   I have learned so much already in my walk with God.  And I know I am already a transformed person.   I need to continue to scrape the cold off of my heart and let it be completely open.
I can scream loud to heaven but it does not mean I will get a chance at redemption.   There is a plan.   I will continue to ask but also continue to accept what is in store for me.  

The greatest things come out of tragedy.   This pain will set me up for success.  Success that I will appreciate more than ever before.  

Don't give me what I want until I am ready.   I need to get it right this time.   There is no more room for failure.  

This is chaos.  

Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.”
Chuck Palahniuk


Today's horoscope -

You may have made some mistakes you regret deeply.  Thoughts of your transgressions may be weighing heavily on your mind.  That could be because you are blaming yourself for something you feel might be the result of something you did wrong.  But you are on the right path Moonchild, and you are an empathic, sensitive, and insightful soul.  Even if you made mistakes, they were part of your learning process and you did so with good intentions - whether you can see that or not.  Let go of what is done, and embrace the present and what is to come.  Something wonderful is about to happen for you and yours.  


You are not to see that now.


There is something good in all seeming failures. You are not to see that now. Time will reveal it. Be patient.

Heaven grant us patience with a man in love.
Rudyard Kipling

Everyone ought to bear patiently the results of his own conduct.

Fortune knocks but once, but misfortune has much more patience.
Laurence J. Peter

Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers until the storm is past. Rather, it is a spirit that bears things - with resignations, yes, but above all, with blazing, serene hope.
Corazon Aquino

Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears.
Barbara Johnson

Patience is the art of concealing your impatience.
Guy Kawasaki

With love and patience, nothing is impossible.
Daisaku Ikeda

Patience is passion tamed.
Lyman Abbott

God's way of answering the Christian's prayer for more patience, experience, hope and love often is to put him into the furnace of affliction.
Richard Cecil