Tuesday, March 19, 2013

you just never know where those lessons will take you.

A relationship is like a flower, the more you water it the more it blooms.   This is such a common quote, yet so many of us do not keep it in the forefront of our minds.   I feel I definitely did not do this on a daily basis. 

Watching this cheesy french romance movie, as terrible as it is, it makes me realize all the things that I did not do during our relationship..   I know at times, when we were together, I also wished that in certain areas you did more for me.  But now I realize that I should have taken control.   If I would have done these things for you, I likely would have gotten them back.  

I definitely wonder what the end of this story will be.   I know all there is to do is to ride it out.   Will I be able to use all these lessons I have learned on us?  Or will someone new get the benefit?   It is so amazing how life works.  God brings you to things to teach you lessons.   As painful as they are, you just never know where those lessons will take you.  

1 comment:

  1. how is she not back yet? does she know about this blog?
