Tuesday, April 23, 2013

live with your wives in an understanding way

Husbands, Understand Your Wives

Phil Smidt»FamilyMarriageComplementarianHeartGospel

Husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way… since they are heirs with you of the grace of life… 1 Peter 3:7

A slice of everyday life

After 17 years of marriage, God continually surprises me with his grace and commitment to make me look like Jesus.
Recently, my wife and I were preparing for a busy week, which included hosting out of town guests and dealing with a car in the shop. With an already full plate, Jen was squeezing in an appointment when her hair dresser called telling her she was unable to come to our home as previously arranged.
Already feeling overwhelmed and stressed, she came to me, expressively explaining her dilemma. Seeing her distress, I said, “I understand, Jen.” I gave her a ride to pick up our car and then took care of some things at home for her while she was gone. I helped carry her load.

It wasn’t about the hair

Later that afternoon when Jen came home, she said, “Thanks for telling me you understood earlier today, it made me feel loved, and cared for. I don’t think you’ve ever said that to me before.”
I had to stop and think about that and admit she was right. Let me get something straight: I don’t understand my wife’s hair. I’ve heard her and her friends talk about hair being “fun”; I will never understand that. But I did understand that my wife needed my support and my compassion. Although her hair contributed to the stress of the situation, it was not the problem.
When Peter tells husbands to “live with your wives in an understanding way,” he is telling them to pursue their wives’ hearts, not get hung up on the circumstances.
Too often in our marriage, I have made my wife the problem, in essence missing her heart and setting her up to feel alone and misunderstood. In making her the problem, I miss the deeper problem going on in my heart. I like life and marriage to be easy. When that idol gets threatened, it is tempting for me to blame her.
In this case, I could have selfishly responded by wondering why she had to get her hair cut today or why she was so upset, missing a wonderful opportunity to serve and love her. But thankfully, God intervened on my behalf so I could extend her grace and help.

Seek understanding

When Peter tells husbands to “live with your wives in an understanding way,” he is telling them to pursue their wives’ hearts, not get hung up on the circumstances. Husbands, remember you are equal as image bearers and grace recipients, defined and refined by the work of Jesus.
She’s a person, not a problem. Understanding your wife means you need to set your agenda and insight aside. Are you willing to do that for her good and the glory of God?

five minutes

I want to talk to you.  Not even with an agenda.  I'd love to explain so much.  But really I just need your help.   I know how much I hurt you.   But I did not do it on purpose.   I made the biggest mistake of my life.   I just wish I could ask you a few things.   I wish you didn't shut me out.   It is so hard to accept the way you handled things when I feel the way I feel. 
I'll continue to wonder about the future.   I just want to ask you a few questions.   On one hand life makes more sense than ever to me.  Faith brought that.   It has made me realize what life is about.   I know now that I never knew that before.   But sometimes life is still complicated.   When you want something so simple and know how to make it work, its hard to accept not getting it.   There must be a reason. 
I really hope for some answers soon.   I need to be free of this anxiety.   I wish I could just get five minutes without being judged. 

meant to be

I guess this is a good way to start the morning -

I know that this is possible.