Friday, August 16, 2013


Cancer horoscope for Aug, 16, 2013 (The DailyHoroscope by Comitic) 

 You may be feeling self-conscious about a goal. And in your fear of being too conspicuous or of failing, you have limited yourself and your choices. But if you are working toward your goal with restricted resources, then you aren't getting the full benefit of what the universe is now offering you. And while you may have success anyway, it won't be as enjoyable, and it won't be as big and as exciting as it could be. Don't force yourself to fit a mold or someone else's idea of success. Don't take roadblocks to your success seriously - knock them down.  You are capable of so much, Moonchild. Do not limit yourself! 
 Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic