Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Que sera, sera.

I keep debating whether to make this private. I don’t want you to read it. The no contact rule. Yet other people are and we are helping each other. I know you should know nothing about me right now. Those are the rules. But does it even matter? I know you are not anyway.

I find it so fascinating how every move, every decision, every moment in your life can influence the rest of it. If someone never went to the park that day, they would have never met their wife. If they didn’t have that fight, they would still be lying next to that person today. If they didn’t look down at their phone while driving, they would still be alive.

In Van Wilder, Ryan Reynolds says "Don’t take life too seriously; you'll never get out alive". While this is a good joke, nothing could be further from the truth. Because every moment can influence every single movement afterwards. So be careful and calculated. But also realize that there is a plan. Take advantages of the opportunities put in front of you. The more you grab, the less regrets you will have. And then breathe. Que sera, sera.

return to innocence.

I've been continuing to de-program.   It’s amazing in the digital world that we live in, how we can become so desensitized because of what we see everyday.   I have refused to watch any news on Boston.  I don’t want to see all these horrible images and not be shocked by them.   I also do not want to give the scumbags that did this an audience for their horror. 
I continue to only look at positive things.   When I watch TV I try to stay away from anything negative.   When I am on the internet, I keep it to Christian material and inspirational blogs and articles.   Work is a little tougher because I have to choice over what I watch.  But at least I have a new view on a lot of things I see.
I feel refreshed.  I will continue the return to innocence. 

This is my time.

Today is the turning point.  I feel it.  I am proud that I have stuck to my goals.  I have completely revamped my life.   My routines and my habits all have changed.  I feel like the best person that I ever have been. 
I made myself a few promises tonight and I plan on sticking to them.   Goals are in place and they will be reached. 
Everything is up from here.
This is my time.